Coco Chanel's Legacy

There's no doubt that Coco Chanel influenced the fashion world in a way that won't ever be forgotten. Chanel is still extremely popular today and is considered one of the most revered style icons to ever be born. Her sophisticated outfits with an air of simplicity, paired with great accessories, made people think differently about fashion and taught women how to dress themselves in a flattering and elegant way. Chanel also believed in comfort; one of her most well known quotes is: "luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury."
Born in 1883 in the city of Saumur, France, Chanel found interest in fashion at a young age. It all began when she was growing up in an orphanage and learned how to sew. Her childhood was not a pleasant one. Her mother passed away, and Chanel was put into an orphanage, where she was raised by nuns. She soon gained a deep knowledge about fashion and became known for her timeless designs and little black dresses.Chanel first became romantically involved with Etienne Balsan at the age of 20. They wanted to start a millinery business in Paris. Eventually, she left him for Arthur "Boy" Capel. Both of these men helped Chanel start out with her goals for her business. When she opened up her first shop in Paris in 1910, she began selling hats and a simple dress she had created from an old cold weather jersey. In the 1920s, she became much braver, launching her own perfume brand, known as Chanel No. 5.
In 1925, she created a new design - the legendary Chanel suit with a collarless jacket and a well-fitted skirt. This was a completely new design for women and allowed them to put away the corsets and restricting garments. You could say that Chanel's designs were revolutionary.
The little black dress was a completely unforgettable creation. Black, a color normally associated with mourning and death, was transformed by Chanel, showing just how chic and elegant the color could be. Audrey Hepburn was an iconic movie star who frequently showed off this design.
The Chanel bag
Coco Chanel had a profound influence on the design of handbags and in 1920s, she grew tired of having to carry her handbags in her arms. She saw this as an inconvenient design and was inspired by the straps that soldiers used on the arm. She made this design more fashionable and introduced her new design to the market in 1929, naming it Chanel 2.55. This bag is still around today and is used by thousands of fashion savvy women; it's definitely a timeless and exclusive design.
Posted on 11-24-2014